To help servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, greeters, and lectors with their assignments, an email will be sent out each Tuesday as a reminder. If you are not able to serve please find a replacement and email the name of that replacement by Thursday. If you are not able to secure a replacement, please email us ASAP so that we may find one. In order to ensure that we have the proper information, please email your name, email address and phone number to, indicating your ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the deacon and the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and bring Holy Communion to the sick who are confined in the hospital, nursing home, or their residence.
Information and requirements for these ministries are found below:
Altar Servers Altar servers assist the deacon and priest at Holy Mass, fulfilling their respective duties. Training classes for altar servers are held once a year in the fall. An announcement will be made at the time. Altar serving is open to those in the fifth through twelfth grades.
Ushers Ushers seat people and assist them as particular needs arise. And yes, they take up the collection--a necessary ingredient to a thriving parish!
Greeters Greeters greet people as they enter the church, welcoming them and assisting them with any immediate needs.
Liturgical Music We have both
choirs and
individuals who lead the congregation in song in accordance with the liturgical norms and documents of the Catholic Church. Presently there are two choirs: Sunday 9:00 am and 11:00 am. Individual musicians and cantors also provide music ministry on either a
regular or
as needed basis.
Children's Liturgy of the Word At 11:00 a.m. Mass, children in grades K-5 are invited to participate in the Children's Liturgy of the Word. In this ministry, adult volunteers provide meaningful lessons on the sacred readings of the day.