We can feel more fulfilled and blessed each day by developing an Attitude of Gratitude. It can be difficult to think of things you are grateful for when everything in your life seems to be going wrong. Countless studies show that for many young people, finding a bit of gratitude each day can actually increase happiness levels. If you concentrate on what you have, you'll always have more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never have enough. This retreat is facilitated by teens for teens under the guidance of the adult and young adult coordinators. This retreat is to help young people take a fresh look at their faith journey while reflecting on their gratitude for family, friends and life.Join us for the celebration of Mass, Adoration, group sharing, outdoor activities and time to simply enjoy life with fun activities planned by the teen leaders! Registration Fee: $75 Limited spaces. Note: Additional $50 late fee after deadline. Transportation and meals provided.