From Father Dan: After my Wednesday night talk on death and dying, I was told that there were many sick people in attendance. I'm sorry that I was not more attentive to their presence and their suffering. Unfortunately, I was focused on my own at the time. It dawned on me at a later Mass that they should have been given more attention. Their effort to attend the talk was admirable. While everyone is of course welcomed to attend, I wish to especially invite the sick, their families and their caretakers back to the parish for yet another visit on Wednesday, May 25th immediately following the 6pm Mass. I would be most interested in hearing your questions and concerns. During my last talk many were curious but for those who are gravely ill, their questions and concerns along with their family and caretakers deserve to be addressed. If you would find it helpful, please consider joining us. I have invited Dr. Ty Meyer from Hospice of South Texas to join me in answering questions. Once again, we will reflect on the intersection of suffering and faith. Fr. Dan