The ACTS core, along with the staff liaison and Pastor, will serve as the decision-making body of the ACTS community. The ACTS core is comprised of the Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, Secretary, the staff liaison (non-voting) and a body of nine additional ACTS community members who are fully committed to the ACTS movement. These members must have participated in an ACTS retreat, both as a retreatant and as a team member, and may not be a spouse of present core members. The core will meet monthly and at the call of the President who will conduct the general business of ACTS. Decisions will be made when a quorum is present consisting of at least two-thirds of the total core, and votes will be taken when necessary. Majority vote rules. Decisions made by the core will be decisions that affect the community, the relationship with retreat centers and with other parishes in the diocese. The core will ensure that the weekend is in keeping with the ACTS mission.
Each core member will serve on one of the following committees:
Retreat Support
Retreat Support
Retreat Supplies
Social Coordinator
An operating fund is maintained to purchase supplies and materials to carry out the weekends. An ACTS closet will be kept to store all materials for retreats. A registration fee is necessary in order to defray the costs of the retreat. Scholarships are available to those in financial need, as finances should not stop anyone from attending.